Spray pesticides on an apple and it’s no longer organic. Add a drop of oil to a glass of spring water and it’s no longer pure. Most Americans detest the idea of dumping chemicals in a pristine, natural environment. But why not have the same aversion when it comes to getting the flu shot?
Maybe it’s because you don’t realize what’s in it: Mercury (a known neurotoxin in the form of Thimerisol), Glycol (a component in antifreeze) and Formaldehyde (the stuff they preserve cadavers with). If you dumped those chemicals in your local water supply you’d get arrested. But every year, unknowing Americans line up at their local pharmacy to get this stuff injected into their veins.
Given the choice to eat an organic apple vs. one blasted with toxic chemicals, you know which one you’d rather take a bite out of. Question is, would you take a bite out of yourself after getting injected with the ingredients in the flu shot? There are natural, alternative ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from the flu. Ask your Chiropractor what they are so you can keep your body ORGANIC this season.