Chiropractic and the Flu Pandemic
Flu season quickly approaches. Most parents look for ways to prevent the flu from spreading into their household and making the rounds with family members. A key element to empower the endeavor to combat the flu rests in understanding that the body possesses more than...
Chiropractic Adjustments support Flu prevention
The flu pandemic of 1918 produced the deadliest infection in modern history, infecting an estimated 500 million people throughout the world. The pandemic infected almost one-third of the world’s population at the time, killing between 20 and 50 million...
Chiropractic Proven to Reduce Medical Cost
Low back pain represents the single leading cause of disability in the world. Over 80% of people experience low back pain at some point in their life. Total costs relating to low back pain estimate at greater than $100 billion annually. Two-thirds of that $100 billion...
New Study Reveals Impact of Spinal Manipulation on Cortical Drive to Limb Muscles
The team at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic have done it again! A new study looking at whether chiropractic adjustments lead to changes in the way the brain controls muscles was recently accepted for publication in the Journal ‘Brain Sciences.’ The study was...
Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules and Health
The annual arrival of fall accompanies children returning to school. Many families choose this time to reestablish and recommit to basic daily routines. Bedtimes, wakeup times, and activity schedules produce a set of norms for families and children. Detailed attention...
Ear Infections Hurt!
Otitis media (middle ear infections) represents the most frequent reason for physician visits for children under the age of fifteen in the U.S. Otitis media also serves as the most common infection in children for which doctors prescribe antibiotics. Approximately 10%...
The Value of Chiropractic Care
The benefits from a Chiropractic adjustment go well beyond back and neck pain relief. Clinical evidence and patient results over the past 124 years suggest that Chiropractic care uniquely influences whole body function by addressing critical spinal health. The...
Migraine Pain
Approximately 38 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Ninety-one percent of people experiencing regular migraine headaches suffer migraine-associated disabilities directly related to their headaches. Millions of dollars pour into the treatment of...
Let them Crawl
Crawling serves a vital role in child development, leading to many positive neurological and structural benefits as an infant becomes a toddler. Parents should not promote walking too soon. Allowing babies time to gradually develop walk skills serves as a healthy...
Why Babies & Children Need Chiropractic
The soft tissues of a baby’s spine exhibit more elasticity than that of an adult. The flexibility extends to the muscles, ligaments, and tissues covering the joints. The discs between the bones of the spine demonstrate more flexibility and movement allowing more...