When Your Back Gets the Boot

When Your Back Gets the Boot

You woke up this morning, tried to get out of bed only to discover yourback is completely locked up – like a steel parking boot has beenslapped on it, rendering your whole body UN-driveable. Maybeyou should have paid more attention to the warnings signs that...
Healing on a Spare

Healing on a Spare

In case you get a flat, the temporary “donut” in your trunk is meant toget you off the road and to the nearest service station for properrepair ASAP. Manufacturer’s instructions warn you to take it slow andeasy when driving on them – those tiny tires aren’t...
Roller Coaster Chiropractic

Roller Coaster Chiropractic

It’s not uncommon to see clients who get great results from chiropractic stop their care once they feel good, only to return with their original problem or something worse.Many repeat this cycle over and over again – traveling up and down the feel good, feel bad...
Safeguarding Your Health

Safeguarding Your Health

If health is our most precious treasure, stress is a menacing thief tryingto rob us of it every day. And if you’re not diligently protecting yourhealth against potential break-ins, chances are you’ll lose it without any warning. Stress negatively affects...
Forest for the Trees

Forest for the Trees

“Seeing the forest for the trees”is an expression of PERSPECTIVE. It’s the ability to step back and seethe whole picture of a given situation, instead of clinging to anarrow, limited, myopic one. Focusing on the BIG IDEA is necessary toachieving any worthy...
Chiropractic Surge Protection

Chiropractic Surge Protection

What happens when you plug ten appliances into one outlet and turn themall on at the same time? You blow a circuit! Thesame thing can happen when you surge an unprotected Nerve System with STRESS Picture your Nerve System as an electrical outlet with multiple...